I’ve noticed something in the last few days.
Amidst all the doom and gloom, mishandling and politicization, cancellations and grocery store runs, social distancing and efforts to flatten the curve… there’s something else happening. Have you noticed?
It feels a little bit like what happened after 911, or the marathon bombing, or countless other catastrophes here and elsewhere in the world. It’s the way in which we come together as humans to support one another in times of great disruption.
From challenge comes barrier busting, community building, creativity and resourcefulness. We see and experience it every day, if we’re paying attention.
My sense, and my hope, is that this current global effort is going to continue to expand, bring us together and have a transformative effect on each of us. In my opinion, in this time of retractive nationalism, it’s what’s needed most.
We’re right in the thick of it. And we get to choose how we perceive, internalize, approach and use this unique time alone… together.
Many people are understandably shaken and rightfully concerned about taking care of self and loved ones, especially those more vulnerable.
Thankfully, some are stepping up and looking for ways to be of service to others.
There are some who are making lemonade from lemons, as they say. They’re innovating, coming together in unique and heartfelt ways. They’re collaborating to offer creative solutions to making the stay at home more tolerable. Perhaps, even enjoyable.
They are sensing what’s needed and taking the lead to satisfy that need.
Some are filling empty streets with song, like this neighborhood in Italy.
Museums are providing virtual tours. Music makers are offering live streaming programs.
Non-profits are rallying to offer financial relief for those hit hardest.
Grownups are hosting virtual cocktail parties and children are enjoying virtual play dates.
People of all ages are exploring the outdoors together (6 feet apart, of course!).
Video conferencing providers are offering their services for free.
Companies are educating and supporting corporate leaders with options for leading in hard times.
All sorts of reminders are popping up on social media encouraging us to stay connected and to help one another in the ways we’re able.

For all these people, organizations and so many others… I am grateful.
Be prudent, be safe, be kind.
Your turn… Let’s share ideas and keep the list growing!
How are you spending your time in pseudo or full-on quarantine?
What other creative, charitable or fun ideas have you heard about?