I’m someone who’s been known for taking a risk and reinventing herself… more than once, actually.
There comes a time when you say to yourself, “It’s been a good ride, and it’s time for something new!” At least as a Gemini, that’s what you say.
Following a long career in Information Technology, I’ve been a certified Life and Career Coach, since 2007. When I left the corporate world, it was to become a Life Coach. I wanted to do something that mattered more deeply to me and really had an impact on other’s lives. Who knew it would be such a winding path?
When you start your own business and you’re the one paying all the bills, it’s not always easy to say no to certain types of work that come your way. And when you find success going in a slightly different direction than you’d planned, you go with the flow.
Which brought me to years of rewarding leadership and team coaching. I like to believe I made a difference for those leaders and teams that I touched.
Subsequently, I added working with foreign-born professionals and multicultural teams to my repertoire. Fulfilling work as well. Hopefully, I’ve helped to open eyes and ease the way for those challenged by working in cross-cultural environments.
More recently, I’ve focused on the important work of assisting individuals in career transition due to outplacement, as well as those who have chosen to make a change. This work is so fulfilling, and I feel honored to help folks get back on their feet after the rug has been pulled out from under them.
No matter the type of coaching, I’ve always fallen in love with my clients. It’s just what happens when you have meaningful, personal conversations, walking through aspirations, challenges, and triumphs together. I will, of course, continue to do some work in these areas going forward.
After a life-changing trip I took in 2019 to walk the Camino de Santiago, a 500-mile pilgrimage across northern Spain, I came to understand that it was time again to reevaluate and shift direction.
So, what am I up to now, you ask?
Well, I’ve come full circle, taking on a challenge that’s both old and new. I’ve returned to Life Coaching and I’m taking it up a notch! Reinventing myself once again, as I honor my values of exploration, continuous growth, and comfort-zone-boundary-stretching.
I’d thought about and planned that trip for about 10 years. I let life, work, money, time, and who knows what else keep me saying, “Next year”. Then the next, and the next. Until I simply decided to make it happen. I didn’t know how I was going to do it. I just knew I would. Those barriers didn’t disappear. I simply chose to trust that I would find a way. And I did.
Now, it’s the comfort-zone-boundary-stretching that I invite you to join me in. I invite you to challenge whatever has kept you comfortable or confined or afraid for years, or maybe decades.
What’s the trip you want to take, career change you want to make, baby you want to have, book you want to write, plane you want to jump out of, words you want to speak to someone, place you want to move to, art you want to create, degree you want to go for, language you want to learn, habit you want to break, or business you want to start?
What is YOUR Camino?
I hope I’ve sparked your curiosity enough to explore further. Perhaps we’ll have an opportunity to meet along the way and you’ll consider letting me walk beside you, helping you step fearlessly into possibility!