I remember having a conversation many moons ago with a colleague and friend of mine about being life-long learners. We discussed our common belief that there’s always, always something new to explore, to learn, or to experience.
As we philosophized and mused with each other about all the possible ways we might satisfy our curiosities, I remember blurting out…
“You know what I believe? I believe you’re not done until you’re dead!”
We chuckled at my declaration and continued with our very important discussion.
I have no recollection of what adventure I came up with that day, but I do know this…
That impromptu proclamation became an important part of my belief system, the filter through which I see the world. There’s so much to experience and so little time.
2020 has intensified that sense of ‘we have no time to waste’ for me. Do you feel it too?
With all that’s happening around us —a global pandemic, political and social strife, increasing indicators of global warming— living fully feels as though it’s never been more important.
Even though right now we aren’t really able to travel far, gather together, or celebrate grandly, we CAN put these next three months to meaningful and productive use. We CAN use this time for creative dreaming, exploring, planning, stage-setting, and preparing for what could be possible next year.
I’m choosing to take and squeeze everything I can out of the end of 2020. To learn now, to explore now, to prepare now for what I want to create in 2021. Places to visit, new trails to walk, adventures to share with my grandson, books to write and read and listen to, coaching programs to design, and things I haven’t yet imagined!
What are YOU wanting to make happen next year?
- What do you want to explore and learn about?
- What do you want to transform from dream into reality?
- What have you put on hold, waiting for the perfect moment?
Remember, YOU are not done until you’re dead.
2021 here we come!